Deb Fischer Failed Nebraska
Deb Fischer Failed Nebraska
Deb Fischer Violated Her Conservative Principles, Broke Her Pledge & Stabbed Trump in the Back
Deb Fischer called for Trump to drop out of the race for president, broke her pledge to only serve two terms, failed to stand up to Washington corruption & failed to cut the deficit – which is why local Republican parties censured her for violating conservative principles.
Nebraska Republicans And Independents Stand With Osborn & Donald Trump – Because Deb Fischer Can’t Be Trusted
Nebraska Republicans and Independents are standing with Dan Osborn and Donald Trump because they know Deb Fischer can’t be trusted to drain the swamp and has, in the words of local Republican parties, violated her conservative principles.
She Voted Against Protecting Social Security For American Citizens & Got 10x Richer While In Washington
Career politician Deb has gotten ten times richer while in Washington. She takes millions from all kinds of special interests and votes against Nebraskans – against lower drug prices, against protecting Social Security, and against funding for more border agents.
Fischer PAC donations
Walpac, Amgen Political Action Committee, Hilton Worldwide Pac, Comcast Corporation Pac, Wine & Spirits Wholesalers Of America Pac,T-Mobile Pac, Mcguirewoods Federal Pac, Google Netpac, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck Pac
The Boeing Company Pac, Life And Liberty Pac, Conservative Majority Pac, Covidien Pac, Bingham Mccutchen Llp Pac, Asmg Good Government Fund, Valero Pac
The Home Depot Inc. Pac, General Atomics Pac, Path Pac, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co Pac, Covington & Burling Llp Pac, Chesapeake Energy Corporation Federal Pac, Caterpillar Employees Pac, Association For Advanced Life Underwriting Pac

Senator Fischer’s Net Worth Increased 10-fold to $2.8 Million
The Book of Fischer
For over a decade, Senator Deb Fischer’s record of selling out workers and Nebraskans for power and prestige in Washington, DC, has remained largely unexamined. Those days are over.